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  Autor (Name, Vorname) Ballard, Nack
  Weaver, Paul
  Titel Backgammon Openings - Book A
  Untertitel Path-breaking analysis of the early game presented by two leading theoreticans
  Cover Cover
  Jahr 2007
  Seiten 126
  Verlag The Backgammon Press
  Bindung Hardcover (mit Schutzumschlag)
  ISBN 0979705304
  Sprache Englisch
  Anmerkungen 1. Siehe auch: Leseempfehlungen

2. Dieses Buch ist das erste einer Serie von geplanten 21 Bänden..

3. Alle Bewertungen des Buchs wurden anhand intensiver Rollouts mit GNU Backgammon und Snowie™ ermittelt. Dazu haben Backgammon-Enthusiasten weltweit am Rollout Project der Autoren teilgenommen. Man kann dem Projekt noch beitreten und somit am Werden der folgenden 20 Bände aktiv mitwirken.
  Rezensionen "The subject of the book is how to play a roll of 31 in various opening positions occurring during the first three rolls of the game. [..] Explanations, backed up by extensive computer (bot) rollouts, are lucid and insightful. There's never room for doubt about the intended meaning; [..] Production quality is excellent (solid hardcover with attractive dust jacket). Presentation is likewise excellent. [..] I recommend Backgammon Openings: Book A to all backgammon players, from the rankest beginner to the strongest expert. I congratulate Nack Ballard and Paul Weaver on a fine effort. All the years and labor spent on it are justified." – Marty Storer, GoU, 2008-01-15

"I recommend 'Backgammon Openings' to everyone (like myself) who thought he already knew how to play the openings and responses. This book will improve your various backgammon skills." – Masayuki Mochizuki