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  Autor (Name, Vorname) Robertie, Bill
  Titel Advanced Backgammon
  Cover Cover Cover
  Hier der erste Druck...... und hier hat Robertie bereits seinen 2. WM-Titel.
  Jahr 1984 (neue Auflage mit modifiziertem Front-Cover ca. 1987)
  Seiten 298
  Verlag William Robertie, Arlinton, MA
  Bindung Softcover
  ISBN ohne
  Sprache Englisch
  Anmerkungen 1. Die erste Ausgabe dieses Klassikers. Die Neuauflage von 1991 erschien stark überarbeitet und um 200 weitere Probemstellungen ergänzt in 2 Bänden (s.u.).

2. Wurde auch ins Deutsche übersetzt (s.u.).

3. Siehe auch: Leseempfehlungen
  Vom selben Autor 501 Essential Backgammon Problems, 2000
Advanced Backgammon [Deutsche Ausgabe], 1987
Advanced Backgammon Vol. I (Positional Play), 1991
Advanced Backgammon Vol. II (Technical Play), 1991
Backgammon for Serious Players, Strategies from a World Champion, 1997, 2003
Backgammon for Winners, 1993, 1995, 2002
Learning from the Machine, Bill Robertie vs. TD-Gammon, 1993
Lee Genud vs. Joe Dwek, The 1981 World Championship of Backgammon, 1982
Modern Backgammon, 2001
Reno '86, 1987 [Englische Ausgabe]
Reno '86, Technik und Taktik der US-Profis; Ein Lehrbuch zum Mitspielen, 1988
  Rezensionen "Universally acknowledged as a classic and yet still underrated, Robertie's work organizes and explicates more high-level backgammon concepts than have ever appeared together, before or since. Even now, nearly a decade into the computer era, no other book is like it. In particular, no one to this day has been remotely so ambitious in the analysis of cube actions. In an era when the prevailing wisdom was that hand rollouts of cube actions were useless because of the many thousands of trials one would need to produce a reliable result, Robertie took a different perspective: he happily rolled out interresting positions in 108 game sets, fully understanding that many of his conclusions would be inaccurate, and fully expecting to become a much stronger player for the experience." – Jeremy Bagai, in Classic Backgammon Revisited, March 2001